Ace of Spades

This book blew me out of the metaphorical water. Period. Like period. It was so well written I couldn’t put it down.

This is another of those things books I sought out. I was searching for new voices, for voices that I could find an echo of myself.

I never expected this book to speak to me the way it did.

This book takes the same kind of path that you’d expect from now seminal African American cinematagraphers, whose names I won’t mention so I won’t be responsible for any spoilers. You can find those elsewhere, here, we speak on how it affects, how it inspires.

This book was a book I just can’t picture not being a series or a movie. Honestly a series.

The ebb and flow of it captivated me. I found myself holding my breath at times, putting my iPad mini down and contemplating the things I was seeing through the two narrators eyes. The twists and turns had me going through things, had me thinking of the state of our world and how I’d never doubt if something like this would happen.

So often we feel, well…I feel that things are better, that we’re better than we were before. And then stuff hits the fan and we see we’re right where we started, but we’re not. We have moved forward, we are better.

This book took me to both ends of this spectrum, the crushing feeling of being alone, that everything is against you, and the knowledge that we are not alone, that it’s only an illusion that we’re ever alone in this. That’s the lie in all this. No matter how alone we feel, we aren’t. No matter how much we think we can’t change the systems built to keep up down, we can. It will take time, but really when you think about it, the time will pass anyway right



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