But I’m Forever Journal #8


Let’s talk about the idea of the Self. About the way, when we are being true and authentic, the universe conspires to help us. In all reality the universe wants us to succeed, it wants us to express ourselves in the way we were created to. It's only ourselves that truly stand in the way.  We have to learn to be ok with who we are and certain in what we want.

I was a big fan of “The Secret,” the idea that we can change our vibration to attract what we want. But this goes deeper. It’s more than just saying what you want, it's about knowing that these things are coming.

Let’s experiment this week. Think of something, anything, we can start with something small ( in all honesty the universe doesn't care how big or how small, it's about the vibration) like think of a friend you’d like to message or call you, or a good parking, and know that it’ll appear. And watch it come.

While you’re doing this, think about the things you’ve thought are just impossible. Think of the things that you know you deserve, make a list, sort it from largest to smallest. Begin to feel that these things are possible. Don’t think of all the reasons they can’t come to you, focus on the reasons they can, and should. Make sure they’re in tune with who you are.

Let’s see what magic can happen yeah?



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