Do the hard thing, do the easy thing, or how choosing the long road can take you closer to who you want to be.

When you look at who you want to be and then take a look back at who you are today, how close or far apart are you from that ideal?

Do you have an ideal version of yourself? Is there a version of you that you’re aiming to be? That you intend to be?

That person already exists for you, all you have to do is do the work to chisel away the excess and reveal the true you. This is a process though. It won’t happen over night, in fact it won’t happen in a year. This is a lifetime of work you have to commit to. A lifetime to become the best version of you that you’ve always dreamed of being. 

Maybe you’ve never really put much thought into who you want to be. Maybe you’re a person who hasn’t been able to stop and breathe. Maybe you have all sorts of reasons for why you’ve never put thought into who you want to be. Maybe no one’s ever asked you. 

So here let me ask you. 

Who do you want to be?

It’s going to be hard. It’s going to be along and sometimes frustrating road but it’ll be worth it. 

Let today be the day you commit or recommit to being the very best version of you.



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