
Of all the things in the world, three things keep us going, love, authenticity, and hope. Hope for something better. For a better year, for a better tomorrow, a better today.

Hope keeps us moving forward, inch by painful inch when everything inside of us screams for us to just give up. Hope is one of the most powerful emotions we have available to us.

We have spent so much time at odds with one another. We separate ourselves into these tiny boxes, the color of our skin, our socioeconomic status, our politics. We push further and further away from one another and the emptiness stretches on between us. We sit and argue with each other over the right to health care, the accessibility of education, the very idea of clean water, and what does this do for us? To us?

It further reinforces this false narrative that we are separate.

But we’re not.

As we strip away these external things, we begin to see that in the end, we all want the same thing. Love, safety, hope. We want to take care of those we love, a roof over our heads, something that fulfills us, and to be free of worry.

We’ve let the powers that be rip that from us and now here we are. In these moments, as the world lays on the brink of war, as the pandemic rages on and no one seems to care anymore, we must continue to care for one another. To fight for the right for affordable housing, access to health care and education, a living wage, the right to be seen. The right to be free.



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