But I’m Forever Journal #42

Let’s talk about rest this week. Do you take enough time for yourself? Do you allow for space to re-energize you and really let you unwind? Or are you always running from one thing to another, with no downtime except for driving time or sleep?

I know I need more downtime…or downtime in general lol. I also know that as the year begins to wind down we can have this mad dash to finish everything we had on our plates so we can start the new year with nothing pending from the old year.

This year I find myself sprinting to the finish line, again, and honestly? I don’t really feel about it.

I think I’m going to finish what I can and what I can’t. I’ll just leave until the new year. I’d rather allow myself some peace.

What about you?

Are you running around in need of peace? What can you honestly just let go and take up again in the new year?



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