But I’m Forever Journal #38

Who are you?

I really do believe that we see who we really are in times of distress. Now hold on, before you start to tell me that no, you are not, in fact, the person who flipped off the driver who cut you off after you hadn’t slept for something like 20 days and were off carbs because you had a big holiday planned, please stay with me.

What I mean to say, is that our very nature is exposed, both good and bad. The hot temper that I’ve worked so hard on may begin to show, a tendency to close off emotionally so I can just get what needs to get done done will begin to surface, my workaholism (as romantic as it must be) begins to wear at the edges of my relationships, but also my deep love of people remains consistent, my deep commitment to trying to do what’s right becomes something that grounds me.

This is what I mean by our very nature being exposed.

I have bad things that I’m still working on, lots and lots of them to be completely honest, but that doesn’t take away from the good.

Go back to the question I asked at the beginning of this post, who are you? Really?



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