But I'm Forever Journal #4


Happy Valentines Day! Today of all days love is on my mind. This idea of love and all these hoops we have to go through in order to gain love. I'm thinking on these things of who deserves to be loved. Who truly deserves to be loved?


You do.

You deserve to be loved. To be loved for who you are, for the good, the bad, and the in-between. You deserve to be happy. That’s it. You deserve it.

Do you feel you accept love readily? Does someone tell you they love you and you react with pure unadulterated love back? Or do you back away and put up walls? Do you feel suspicious and wonder whether or not they mean it? Why do you think you feel that way? Think back and remember a time you felt loved. When was that? Do you feel that way still?

Love isn’t transactional, you don’t have to do anything to be worthy of love. You are worthy of love just for being you. Remember that.



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