But I’m Forever Journal #25

Let’s talk about allowing ourselves to breathe. Too often we, as in Americans like to think that the best way to achieve something, anything, is to push through the pain. Honestly? A lot of times this works. But not always.

So what do we do when this doesn’t work? Or better yet, is this really the best way to handle life?

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve def been that person. But today I was listening to my favorite podcast, Rich Roll (check him out if you haven’t already, I’ve been a fan since 2015 and have read a ton of books recommended on there), and got to thinking about how I live my life.

Do I live rushed? Do I live in calm? Do I know how to be at peace? Can I actually back off when I need to? Or do I go, go, go until I can’t anymore?

What about you? Do you know how to back off? What are your answers to the questions I asked myself? What other questions come to mind?



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