But I’m Forever Journal #23

Let’s talk about moving on. I mentioned last week that my grandmother passed away and I’ve been in this place of understanding, of healing. I had the opportunity to have an amazingly healthy relationship with her. I have no real regrets. But I still have to mourn, to come to terms with the loss.

Before she passed, we sat in her hospital room and she mentioned how much she wanted to go out into the rain, I told her we would go as soon as she was allowed home. That day never came. This weekend it rained and while I stood outside under the awning a part of me was sad…until I realized that every time I go out into the rain I’m taking her with me…that I have the choice to live a full life but that it is a choice and I’m going to choose to be happy and live the life she wanted for me.

We can mourn and still live on. Are there losses in your life that you haven’t fully moved on from? If so, why?

Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting, it means allowing yourself to live on in.



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