Fear of success

Isn’t that a crazy statement? To be afraid of succeeding? Of leveling up? Leveling up your life, your though, your spirit, your very existence? The very fear of being something more than this…than this moment.

I’m afraid. I can admit it. There are so many times in my life I’ve been so very afraid of what comes next. Sometimes, well sometimes it’s hindered me…but more often than not, I’ve been afraid and still moved forward. Heck, I’m afraid now. There are so many things going on in my life, so many places where my life is almost busting at the seams, begging me to shed that old skin…there are moments where I don’t want to. Where I’m convincing myself that I’m perfectly happy in this place, but I know it’s a lie. I’m afraid. I’m afraid of what comes next. Of the unknown. I know these situations. I know how things will turn out in the actions I’ve taken comfort in, but life isn’t about knowing what comes next with no uncertainties. I know, in my life, the most amazing moments have come from those unexpected turns, from the times I said yes even when I was afraid and let go of any sense of control.

I think fear of success is also a fear of change, of not being able to live up to expectations, whether someone else’s or your own. I think fear of success leaves us in our comfort zones, even if it’s a place we’ve outgrown. Fear of succeeding is really just saying, I’m afraid I’ll fail, but we had to fall a million times before we learned to walk right? So why not embrace the fear? Look it in the eye and say, “Yeah, I see you. Yeah maybe you’re right, maybe I’ll fail, but what about next time? Or the time after that? I can’t fail forever, not as long as I learn.” I’m willing to learn.

Are you?



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