Taking of Responsibility

What are we responsible for? Like reaaaallyyyy responsible for? How much are we responsible for? Normally I feel like we’re always talking about how someone has to take responsibility for their actions but what about when we take too much responsibility?

What about those times we blame ourselves for things that we had absolutely no control over? Things like other people’s reactions? Actions? What about the times we don’t allow people to take responsibility for their own actions?

I don’t really have an answer for this honestly, except to say that we need to establish boundaries. We have to begin to understand that we can’t hold ourselves responsible for what others do. We have to begin to draw the line between what we can realistically accept, what we can realistically influence and what is just a product of our own insecurities or traumas.

It’s incredibly difficult to understand these things and it’s not something that can happen overnight but it can’t happen unless you choose to go forward and do the work.

It seems to always boil down to this concept huh? Do the work?



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