
I was talking to one of my friends recently about admitting your intentions. How sometimes we do unhealthy things, very unhealthy things honestly, and we delude ourselves into thinking they’re not.

Look, I’m going to be completely honest with you, we shouldn’t be engaging in unhealthy behavior. We should be healthy, but that’s not always the case and to say otherwise would be unrealistic and quite possibly, also unhealthy?

We have to allow ourselves to make mistakes, mistakes allow us to grow.

But here’s the thing, you need to be honest about your intentions. Why are you engaging in this behavior? What’s the behavior you should be doing? Why are you choosing to be unhealthy? Because it is a choice. It may not feel like a choice. It may feel like you’re compelled to do it but in all honesty? It’s also your choice. (Of course, there are plenty of times that’s not entirely true, times of great distress, of horror, and trauma, but we’re not talking about those times. I hope you never face those times.)

So even if you’re acting unhealthily are you being honest about the why? Or are you living in a version that isn’t necessarily true?



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