They Both Die In The End

How often do you know that both main characters are going to die at the end of the book?

What would you do if you knew you had less than 24 hours left to live?

This book takes that question and runs with it, it creates these two opposite characters and throws them together in this absurd world. This book really speaks on how we change, or how we don’t, when faced with the truth of our mortality.

The last few books have really spoken about mortality. The regrets, the life we lived, the words we wished we’d said. But this book takes us on this journey of what if.

What if we just did things, if we just lived for a moment or for all our moments?

I keep wondering why we don’t. Why I don’t. I feel as if I’ve worked very hard to be a person who has no regrets, that lives life to the fullest, but I also think that I could go further in this, that there are things I could just say yes to.

This book doesn’t have a happy ending, but you know that going in. You know that no matter what, they’re both going to die. We won’t get to see them happily ever after…we just get this one moment.

Maybe that’s the way we’re supposed to live?



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