The Dip

The idea of The DIp…

So there’s always this moment, or rather, these  long moments of what seems like inertia… Where you feel that nothing is ever going to change,and we wonder if maybe…just maybe it’s time to move on. I know we’ve all faced these moments sometimes we’ve chosen to move on while other times we’ve decided to hold on and somehow manage to make it through to the other side.

It seems kinda sketch doesn’t it?

Like sometimes we should get the heck out of dodge and others…stick it through a la comeback kid status. But how do we know the difference?

I think what we have to do is really sit back and think about our progress thus far. Have you been making progress? Look around you and see what success looks like with your peers. Is there a huge payoff if you continue to get better?

Or is everything just kind of dead ending? If you look down the line, is there really not that big of payoff? Most importantly…does the quality of your life suffer for longer than you’re willing to allow it because at the end of the day we only get one life.



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