Of others. Our partners. Ourselves.
We all have them.
But should we?
Should we have expectations of ourselves?
Someone once told me that to have expectations of others means we are insecure
The power of uncertainty is severely underrated. Don’t get me wrong, I still absolutely hate the feeling in a knee-jerk kind of way, but after that initial feeling, I recognize that this
How do you listen?
Do you listen for context? Do. you listen waiting for your chance to speak? Do you listen for the sake of understanding?
What type of listener do you want
Loving, being loved, choosing who to love, or how love is a neverending journey
How do we have a healthy relationship? What are the steps to having healthy relationships?
First, we have to
Forget perfect. Forget the very idea of perfection.
When you strip that word of power, what comes to mind? What are all the things you could accomplish if you completely removed the word