Ok with not being ok

I can’t tell you how long it’s taken me to get to a place of being ok with not being ok.

I think before quite recently I had to be ok. If you were to ask me how I was, even in the darkest of times, I’d say I was ok.

The problem with always being ok is that so often we push these things back. We think, oh I’ll deal with it when I have time. I mean this sounds like a great plan…if there’s really a time when you’re going to actually have time.

Let’s be honest, most of the time we never get to this place.

So what do we have to do?

We have to be ok saying, “You know what? I’m overwhelmed,” or “I have a lot of things going on so I’m stressed,” or even “I’m sad about what’s going.” By doing this we allow ourselves to really acknowledge what’s going on within us and we’re allowing others to give us their support, whether it be by offering solutions or by just listening.

A lot of times we forget the importance of being seen, of being acknowledged and we let these darker thoughts or feelings live inside us thinking they’ll go away on their own. But humanity was never meant to be solitary, we are, by nature, a group animal and by sharing what’s going on in our lives, we also share the burden.

It really is ok to not be ok. It’s ok to acknowledge that you’re not ok, and it’s ok to take time for yourself.



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