
What do we do when we reach a crossroads? What do we do when we find ourselves in the space between? When we know if we go this certain way, our lives could change forever?

I think we spend a lot of time in between actually. We choose to not make decisions or to not witness certain things including red flags and sketch behavior because to face it means we have to deal with it. And if we’re perfectly honest with ourselves sometimes we really don’t want to deal with it, we know we should but we choose not.

So then we end up standing at a crossroads for far too long because when we stand still for too long we begin to grow roots there, we become complacent, and we loose our momentum.

I was talking with one of my friends today and she was asking about how to know which friends to keep close and which to kind of put into a further orbit so to speak and my answer was, “Honeslty, I think you already know.”

That’s it right? The truth?

We do already know. We know which friends are there for us, which ones we really shouldn’t be friends with anymore, we know all thse things.

So when we’re standing at the crossroads I think we may know which way to go. I think maybe we’re sometimes too afraid to take the leap, we’re afraid we’re wrong. But, and this is barring huge, potentially cataclysmic events, we can normally make good on our decision, even if it’s the wrong one (please see except those crossroads of literal life and death or stuff). We learn more from our mistakes than our victories I think.

It’s really about just moving forward and being willing to live and make mistakes.



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