But I’m Forever Journal #9

What do we truly value? What are the things that we’ll really, really stand for? Where is that line? How can we advocate while still staying ourselves?

Things can get super crazy right? There are so many issues in the news, so many voices that need to be heard and so, so many things to make right. How can we choose? How can we actually support???? It all seems overwhelming. Like we can never really be enough or do enough.

How can we balance all these causes and keep our mental health in order? How can we not burn ourselves out in advocacy?

But maybe it’s not about doing everything. Maybe, just maybe, it’s about doing what you can in this moment. To not judge how big or small that action is, to just see it as a movement forward.

I know I’m not alone. I know that we all feel this way.

So what then?

Then we focus on the small things we can do to help the world shift. Still do the big things too of course, but also allow yourself the moment to do small things.  Take care of yourself the way you’d take care of your dearest friends and allow yourself to do the small things.



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