But I’m Forever Journal #62


Of others. Our partners. Ourselves.

We all have them. 

But should we? 

Should we have expectations of ourselves?

Someone once told me that to have expectations of others means we are insecure or asking too much. 

At the time I thought this was incredibly profound. So I tried to live my life without expectations of others and somewhere in the of myself.

It didn’t work out. 

All that ended up happening was that I allowed things that I would never have allowed to go on. All in the name of not having expectations.

I learned that expectations help keep us safe. I’m not talking about unrealistic expectations mind you, but expectations like communication, to be treated well, to be held the way you  want to be held. 

Do you have those expectations? Or, like me, did you do away with them in this crazy idea that we’re better without them?



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