But I’m Forever Journal #31

Let’s talk about about giving credit where credit is due. I had an incident recently where I’d worked, really hard, like really hard, like mind numbingly hard on something and when I spoke with my friend her response was “I don’t know why, I could’ve put that together in 30 mins.” Needless to say that wasn’t true.

These things happen. People make light of our contributions because they don’t understand what the project entailed. In fact, that’s what we want to see right? Something that looks so easy that people say pssh I could do that easy.   But therein lies the trap. We make light of someone’s work and it makes a small  almost imperceptible crack, we all know what happens when things begin to crack right?

So then things begin to destabilize.

Has there been a time you didn’t acknowledge someone’s hard work? A time where your work was made light of? What’d you do?



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