But I’m Forever Journal #16

Let’s talk about yesterday. Our obsession with what might have been, what could have been, and how that truly affects us. What do we do with the ghosts of yesterday? With the regrets and what-ifs? With the traumas and indignations?

As we get older we begin to accumulate the proverbial baggage right? We have the traumas of our parents and childhood, the craziness of our dating lives, and all sorts of wonderful things we can’t go back and change. So what do we do with all of this? Do we constantly revisit it and turn it over in our heads? Do we take the lesson we’ve learned and try to integrate them into the new versions of ourselves?

I don’t really believe in regrets, I think things happen and we have no control over that, over those things that other people do, but we do have control over how we handle these things. How we react, respond, and most of all who we choose to be because of these things.

Do you look back on your life and have regrets? Spend the next week thinking about those things and how you’ve chosen to look at them. Are you happy with the way you’ve handled them? If not, what can you do moving forward to change that?



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