But I’m Forever Journal #24

Today is one of those days for me. This week I lay my grandmother to rest and I have so many emotions attached to this. Feelings of anger…of sadness…of loss..but also those of knowing I did the very best I could.

I have no regrets.

Every chance I had, I chose right…at least in my eyes.

I know I’m super lucky that I feel this way. To have no regrets.

I’m different than I was just a few years ago. Unapologetically me.

Isn’t that what we all want? To be unapologetically ourselves?

But all of this is due to small steps. To consistent (and sometimes not so consistent) steps. A choice to speak up when I would’ve stayed quiet, to take a run instead of staying in bed, to stay in bed instead of taking a run. All of these have helped lead me here.

If everything is steps then we know that all we have to do start taking the right steps right?

What’s something that you could do today to start you down that road? What’s something realistic you can do? (You all know how much I love the idea of realistic goals).



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