

The power of uncertainty is severely underrated. Don’t get me wrong, I still absolutely hate the feeling in a knee-jerk kind of way, but after that initial feeling, I recognize that this

But I'm Forever #6

What does being strong mean to you? The idea of being able to continue on? To not “break”? There all these definitions of what it means to be strong, all these interpretations. And

Minimalist Entrepreneur

I’ve been reading a lot of business books, tried and true books, somewhere in the middle books, and brand new new new books, and this is one of those neeeeew neeeewwww books.


Of all the things in the world, three things keep us going, love, authenticity, and hope. Hope for something better. For a better year, for a better tomorrow, a better today. Hope keeps

But I’m Forever #5

Sometimes we think we can’t. We get distracted or overwhelmed and we quit. We don’t necessarily mean to quit, we just can’t right now. But here’s the thing. Yes,