
When you’re in crisis mode, you’re in crisis mode. your adrenaline is going, you’re in that fight or flight mode, and you have tunnel vision. Whatever needs to get done, or maybe you don’t. There are so many ways this story can end but no matter what, no matter how much adrenaline shoots through your body, there has to be an after.


After the fires have been put out after the enemy has been subdued after there’s no one there around you and you’re just you.

What comes next?

Isn’t that really the hardest part? The what now? We’ve gotten this far but now we don’t know what to do.

But these are also defining moments. It’s so easy to move forward as long as we see results, as long as we get some sort of outside validation, but in the after, we are responsible for that validation. We must sit in our darkest hours and remember why we started and on our own choose to keep moving forward.



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